Monday, December 31, 2018
Happy New Years!!
Happy New years to all my readers and callers and friends. I hope 2019 brings everybody happiness and peace of mind. The New Year is usually a time that everyone set goals, start all over, or just feel good that they made it to another year. My goal is to work out more, make more money, and blog more. I hope you all have a beautiful time where ever you are. Whether you are with family, friends, or out at the club popping bottles of champagne. Enjoy your New Year.
Monday, November 26, 2018
SSBBW Phonesex with another slave
Just finished a call with another one of my slaves that likes to Pay me, worship me, and talk about me sitting on him and smothering him. Men love being dominated and smothered by a SSBBW Goddess. The love to have a large woman overpower them and break them down into submission. Small men, muscular men and average size men love the feeling of a sexy voluptuous woman smothering them and using her body weight to overpower them. That's why men love women with huge asses and big round bellies. They love the submission that women put them into.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Halloween phonesex on Niteflirt
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Married Men with Slim wives Lusting for BBW and SSBBW Women
I constantly get calls and messages from men that are obsessed with large women, but married average skinny women with average shapes. I get so many men saying they feel trapped because they prefer large women. So many got sucked into the image of a certain type of woman. We can blame the media, society or our peers because we do allow people to influence who we date or marry. I recall a guy I met when I was younger and he was into me. Called me all the time, spoiled me and we always had a good time. Later, down the line he mentioned that his friends questioned him for being with a fat girl. He was heavily influenced by what was said by his friends. He mentioned it over and over until I felt like he was a nice guy, but too weak. He was too weak of a man because he felt embarrassed for liking a fat girl. He missed out, but that is just an example. Many women have shared stories with me about how a man was influenced by outsiders and didn't want to be seen with a BBW/SSBBW. So anyways, I have spoken to men over the years that feel like they married the wrong woman or they thought having a skinny woman was the same as having a trophy woman. I talk to guys that say their sex life is boring because they are with a woman that they are not physically attracted to. Some of the women they complain about have no boobs, or their ass is not big like most guys like. Sometimes it's funny, but sometimes I feel some kind of way because many people pick their spouse based on what they think society will accept.

Thursday, August 16, 2018
Size Really Matters With SSBBW/BBW women
I had a guy ask me a while back about having sex with larger women. He asked me if a guy had to be "packing" to sleep with a SSBBW/BBW. Basically he was asking if a man really need to have a big dick. Um, Yes. Not because big girls have loser vaginas, (because that's not true.) A man must be at least average to Huge in the Package department to please a Large woman. Or he must be a miracle worker with his tongue *giggles*. Especially with sex from the back with a bottom heavy woman. You must have a big cock/dick to please and get through and penetrate.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Men That Date SSBBW/BBW women must be Extremely confident
Even in the year 2018 men still get judged for dating Larger women. The media has brainwashed women and men about what is the standard of beauty. The media sets the trends and set the standards of beauty which can leave men confused if they are not sure of themselves and confident. TV and media will have you believe that beauty only comes in a small frame or a frame that has been nipped and tucked leaving them with an unrealistic frame. This is why it is important for men to not allow themselves to be brainwashed with what the media has been shoving down our throats for years. Women that are artificial looking with the help of plastic surgeons are seen as trophy girls for men. Making men think that their status depends on having a woman that is fake and artificial looking. Look at some of the most popular celebs. They don't even wanna be themselves. They are relying on doctors to enhance things while giving the public a false look. I advise men all the time, to never rely on the media to set the standards on what a real woman is suppose to look like. Real women come in all sizes and shapes. A man that dates Large women must be extremely confident and sure of himself to publicly date a large woman. People can be very judgmental against SSBBW/BBW women and will shame men for loving Larger women.
Friday, August 3, 2018
Supersized Apples VS Supersized Pears
Larger size women are often compared to Pears and Apples. Pears being large on bottom and small at the top. Think of the way a pear fruit is shaped. Apple shapes are usually more round like the fruit, larger belly, big tits, and smaller thighs. Men that have a fetish for Apple shapes, usually love large tits, and super sized double bellies. pear shape admires usually are into facesiting and ass worship.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Feedee Fetish for SSBBW and BBW women
I recently had a call on niteflirt with a guy that was into feeding women to gain weight. We spoke about his desire to over feed large women. He like feeding them all of the fatty and sugary foods they love. Everything from cheesy pizza, crispy fried hot wings, to donuts and thick slices of cake. He love watching a woman eat until she is so relaxed and ready to lay around and be lazy. He love to buy his dates large amounts of foods at restaurants just to see them eat until they are about to pop.
I've always been curious about this fetish because I remember reading about it in the early 2000's in different message board forums. Some men just like their women large so they feed them. Some want to feed their spouse until they become immobile. They want to feed their spouse so much over the course of time until they are bedridden. This is something that I'm still learning about because everyone has their own reasons for practicing this fetish. It can be arousing for the feeder and the feedee. Some guys just like to sit back and watch a woman eat all of her favorite foods, but the goal is not for them to gain wait. The Guy is just aroused by watching a woman eat.
I've always had mixed feelings about someone purposely eating so that they become immobile. I guess I've been watching too much of the show (My 600 pound life). I've watched women complain about pain in their legs, or constant back problems while laying in a bed for most of their adult life. This really makes me curious when I see people take the Feeder Fetish very serious. Some people turn it into a lifestyle and rely on the spouse to wash them, cook for them, and put their clothes on. I've read about this being a part of BDSM lifestyle since the feedee can no longer do for herself.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Supersized Pear Fetish for SSBBW Lovers
Men approach me constantly because they are obsessed with Large Hips and thighs. Whether I'm out shopping, at the gym, or in line paying a bill. Men get rock hard when a woman in tight leggings or a tight dress walk by with huge wide hips. Pear shapes are women that are small on top, and supersized on the bottom. Small waist with enormous hips and legs. Men call me all the time on niteflirt to confess their obsession with Pear shaped women. Some are married or have partners but find themselves unfulfilled because their spouse doesn't have enough thighs and ass for their sexual pleasures. This is why men call BBW phone sex lines and look for Large web cam girls because they desire a huge gigantic ass to jack off to. Men always want to try something new, and when they try a huge Pear shaped women, they become addicted. Some want to get smothered by a huge ass, some just like to massage huge legs, or rub their hard dick between huge ass cheeks.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Fat Domination SSBBW style
I just finished a call with a long time caller. We always talk about his fantasies of being dominated by Large women. I always have a blast talking to him about his sexual fetishes for SSBBW women. We talk about everything from facesiting, body squashing, shrinking and wrestling. I have a lot of smaller men that want to be wrestled down and trampled by a huge woman. Men get so aroused by a huge woman using her weight to hold them down. Men love a challenge and something new, regular traditional sex can get boring. My caller and me always talk about how he would love to be squashed by a group of Super Sized sexy women. He want our huge sexy bodies all over him and holding him down.
Monday, June 25, 2018
Who else like to watch BBW/SSBBW Porn?

I have so many callers that call me to watch BBW Porn with them. My callers are hooked on watching sexy Plus sized women get fucked. Some of these guys have skinny wives or girlfriends, however they love to jack off to sexy Supersized women. We usually go on different Porn sites or different Pay Per View sites and watch Porn. I always give them sites of girls that I follow on twitter or sites that I've seen on free porn sites. We watch everything from regular vanilla porn, to face sitting sessions, even some women masturbating. Men love to see voluptuous women in sexual positions.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Femdom and Mistress Bandwagon
There are many women that are jumping on the Financial Domination Bandwagon or trend I shall say. Some women are really living the Domination lifestyle and have the bank account along with the Pay Pigs on a Leash to back it up. Some women have tried to test the waters as a Mistress only to fall flat on their face and end up broke or even in debt. Just because you see women holding a stash of money, or showing off a new Gucci bag with a pair of red bottom heels doesn't mean they are really living the glamorous life. To each it's own, but stay in your lane and don't try to ride every trend because you think you will profit. I started off as a vanilla girl, however, many of the men that I spoke with and conversed with online knew that I was not submissive or the sweet girlfriend type. Guys would tell me that they wanted to be dominated or they wanted to worship me. I never really had to go out of my way to seek these guys. My personality and demeanor brought these guys to me. I say this, because there are so many women online claiming to be sugar babies or cash money princesses, but the men can read through a lot of the fakeness and acting. If you are a regular vanilla girl, it's okay. Vanilla sex is needed and there is a huge group of men that love vanilla girls and slut type girls. Sluts get paid big time. Porn started out as mostly vanilla sex and girls did well.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Happy at my highest weight as a SSBBW/BBW
I've never felt bad about being a larger SSBBW. As the weight came on, my only concern was my health and fitting into clothes. Other than that, I've never been intimidated or insecure around smaller women. Things like that never bothered me, I've always had fatgirl swag. The media's standard of beauty as far a size never fazed me. I was never ashamed or uncomfortable about my size. I was made like this for a reason. I've known women that went through life trying to lose weight with no results. Some of them lead depressed lives and struggle with their self esteem and self worth. My weight was never a struggle. Even when someone is starring at me or make a comment in public, I laugh it off because they are probably just jealous and insecure that a Large SSBBW look 10 times better than them.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Monday, June 11, 2018
Tokyo stands up to haters and body shaming of SSBBW/BBW women
Tokyo really stood her grounds after that weak ass situation with Spice over a man. I'm glad Tokyo didn't back down to the body shamming coming from Spice. Weak as women are quick to throw shade at a woman because of her body frame or weight. Spice doesn't even like her own body and that is why she has a fake plastic man made body. Fake ass that looks unbalanced. Much love to Tokyo for representing for the Sexy Fat girls. Spice really thought she could disrespect and embarrass Tokyo on TV. Spice wish she looked half as good as Tokyo. Girl Bye!
Smoothering and Squashing Fetish for SSBBW and BBW Lovers
I often get calls from SSBBW lovers that have a weakness for Large women smothering and crushing them with our heavy bodies. They love the feeling of being overpowered by our weight. Especially smaller men. They love a huge woman sitting on their face until they are close to passing out. They love to burry their face in huge legs and ass until their face is covered. Even men that don't normally date larger women still like to watch smothering porn and talk to PSO girls about their fetish. This falls under BDSM were a regular guy becomes a submissive and indulges in being dominated by a SSBBW.
SuperSized BBW Pearshaped shopping Problems
Being a pearshapped BBW can have it's moments of temporary frustrations while shopping for clothing. A lot of plus size clothing stores cater to women that are shorter than me that have more stomach than hip and ass. I usually have to buy stretch clothing or stretchy dresses because a lot of pants for larger women were not made for Pears. I usually shop online and hope the pants or skirts are a good fit when I put them on. I really need to get a seamstress that can make clothing specifically for me. Some of the clothing I see at plus size stores are for church events or formal clothing for a wedding. High end designers don't usually make women's clothing over a size 10-12. They would really rack up a lot of money if they made clothing for SSBBW women. Oh, well. The clothing market still has a huge void. One of these high end designers would make a killing if they started making clothing for the plus size community.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
SSBBW and BBW women are not desperate for Love or Attention
I get so tired of men assuming that SSBBW and BBW women lack self esteem because we don't fit the media's standard of beauty. We have our own standard of beauty. I hate when I meet a guy and I don't text him back to back or don't invite him over and he assume that there are some self esteem issues. No, I'm not interested in you and your personality sucks balls so I feel no need to continue to text you. I've had guys assume that they could sleep with a fat girl after the club because she's a big girl. Who brainwashed these desperate thirsty men? Who is putting this bullshit lie in their head? Large women are in demand and demand the same respect as any other woman. And even if a woman sleeps with you after the club or within the first week don't assume she's some big fattie with no self worth and gave you the pussy because she needs attention. Maybe she just wanted sex and wanted to have a good time. You men really need to stop judging and making assumptions about us SSBBW and BBW women. You are not us and you don't live in our heads to make all these false assumptions.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Sex Workers finding love and a spouse
I sometimes wonder how relationships work out with other women in the adult industry. People can be very intimidated by sex workers. Whether you do Porn, strip, web cam, phone sex, you deserve a spouse and someone that loves you regardless. At the end of the day, everybody has feelings, a heart and a soul that needs to be nurtured. I rarely hear Porn stars talk about their husbands or bf in interviews or on social media. I understand keeping things discrete, but I do wonder if they have a significant other. Many are judged because of stereotypes and misconceptions that come along with this industry. People guess and assume a lot about sex workers. Not just porn stars and strippers, but web cam girls and adult models that never make contact with the men they entertain. I've watched a few documentaries online about adult models and they had spouses that were very supportive.
Summer Time for The Sexy Fatgirls
Big girl season is all year round. I don't know who started that bullshit that big girl season is in the winter when men want to be up under a SSBBW/BBW. Big girls win all year long, including summer. Big girls will be at the pools, lakes, beaches, and water parks in sexy swim suits even two pieces. Big girls are already hot so we will be dressing less in the summer. Don't hate on the Sexy Big girls. Grab your man when you see a big girl out at the club or laying poolside. I know some will throw shade, but that's fine. Sexy voluptuous women are winning.
Friday, June 1, 2018
More Fat girl Clubs
We need more BBW clubs. Not just because I'm a plus size woman, but because BBW night clubs are fun for everybody. I've been to several clubs and bars this year and the BBW clubs were so fun. Even the smaller women that were partying said they had the most BBW night clubs. BBW night clubs are usually filled with people of every nationality and age. People come out and dance and have a good time without feeling self conscious or nervous. The guys can dance and have fun without feeling like people are judging them for being with a Larger woman. I have thought about starting my own night club and have it weekly, with strippers. Men and women strippers or some fetish shows with some BDSM. Wishful thinking.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Sex Addicts Part 1
I have spoken to several men with sexual addictions over the years. This is more than a sexual fetish like a latex fetish or a foot fetish. Just like a drug addiction or a gambling addiction these men need to constantly have sex, watch porn or call for phone sex and web cam shows. There is a fine line between an addiction and just being promiscuous. Even health professionals do not know if sexual addiction should be diagnosed as such or, rather, if the condition is better defined as a compulsive behavior. Only the actual person with the addiction can determine if it is totally out of their control. Some people especially men, crave variety. According to "" Porn is not sex, however, and people who are so-called porn addicts should not also be labeled with a sex addiction unless there is solid evidence to the contrary. People often get the diagnosis confused. That is why so many men call for phone sex because they don't want to take the risk of going out and finding a hooker or hanging out in adult bookstores to get laid. A man with a sexual addiction will spend a lot of time surfing for porn, ranging from Pay Per View sites, to Webcam erotic clips to satisfy their sexual cravings. If you do have a sexual addiction that is out of your control, it would be more logical to watch porn and talk to girls. This can be pricey, but it's more safer than cruising a dark alley for prostitutes or looking someone up online that could be an undercover.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Cuckolding Fetish
So many men have a sexual fetish for their wife or gf to be fucked by another man or multiple men. I've spoken to several men with this fantasy or some that have lived the lifestyle. This is becoming a popular trend in porn and many guys call phone sex lines or web cam sites. Why? Can anyone explain what is so erotic about another man pounding your wife or gf. I'm curious to know. I mostly get non black men that are into this fetish, although I have spoken to some black men that are into the fetish. Not many. I never really get a chance to ask my callers about how they became interested or aroused by the whole cuckolding fetish. I've wondered many times about it, but my callers are usually so aroused and caught up in the fantasy that I don't bother to ask. I guess it's the feeling of being humiliated that turns a man on, or the embarrassment of a man with a bigger cock fucking your wife.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Men refuse to be turned down
I understand that being a larger woman I will naturally attract attention. Some good and some not so good. Attention from men and women, young, old and everything else in between. Some men live in a fucked façade and think that every woman is suppose to give them the time of day and entertain every compliment. I don't have to stop and flirt with every man that approach me. I've had the misfortune of dealing with men that get offended if you don't smile at them. Men need to stop being so damn sensitive and deal with the rejection. If you can't deal with rejection, stop approaching women in public and stick to online dating. If a woman is a saying that she is not interested or if she is already spoken for (in a relationship), then keep it moving. I get so tired of men, grown ass men whimpering everything they are turned down. Grow up and take the lose. Nobody is obligated to give you their phone number or get in a deep conversation with you just because you give a few compliments and do some smiling and flirting.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Men love Phonesex and WebCam Models
Men love to be aroused in various ways. The easiest way to achieve this is porn usually. Sometimes porn is not enough when a man wants to be sexually stimulated. A man need to interact with someone that responds to his needs. Watching porn is great, but the woman in the porn will not respond to you obviously. The best way to interact with a woman in a discrete way is through phone sex or webcam. You are able to explain your wants, needs and fetishes. There are several sites that cater to men that have a unique fetish. Even if he is married or has a gf, he may still want to go outside of the relationship to seek additional sexual gratification. That is where phone sex and web cam girls come in. Many men spend large amounts of money on phone sex sites. I see no problem with this, because if you go out and get a girl at a night club or a bar, you will have to buy drinks, eventually pay for dates, food, trips, gas money, hotel rooms, vacations in the long run. Men that call phone sex sites find it easier to stay home and reach their orgasm at home with a random woman that they've chosen on a phone sex or webcam site.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Sexual Fetish Phonesex
Everybody has a fetish. Some fetishes are very common like a foot fetish. Some are very unique like giantess fetish, smoking fetish, feeding fetish, or financial domination. There are some men that like to be shrunken and dominated by a huge giant goddess. I've done several calls with men that want me to shrink them down to an inch and hide them in my purse or my pocket. This fantasy brings on arousal and sexual feelings. Sometimes I'm amazed and fascinated by the fetishes that some people have. I've heard just about every sexual fetish under the sun. Some don't involve any sexual contact. For example, some men are turned on by a woman smoking a cigarette or cigar. The smoke, the inhaling and exhaling as well as the smell of the smoke can send a man into a sexual trance. Another one is financial domination. I've spoken to many men that got satisfaction from being financially used and abused. Whether it was sending multiple tributes or calling my financial domination line just to be ignored. People are very unique with how they reach sexual satisfaction. There is no right or wrong way to get sexually excited.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Fake PayPigs with empty pockets
I understand that a lot of men that the fantasy of being used as a Sugar Daddy. That's all fine, but don't send messages claiming that you want to spoil me or any other woman when you know that you lack the funds. I know that there are a lot of fake pay pigs and Wanna Be Human ATM's that are not really able to spoil a Goddess. For some of the new women out here, they don't know that a large percentage of these men are mostly talk when it comes to being financially dominated. It's more of a fantasy instead of a lifestyle. Repeatedly telling a woman that you want to pay all of her bills or buy everything off of her amazon wish list doesn't make you a real pay pig. You are just a typical man on a budget. I say this because a lot of women think they can get on social media and get rich quick off of these so-called Pay Pigs and Sugar Daddies. Ladies, don't be so quick to quit your day job if you think there are millions of men horny with a credit card ready to spoil you. A lot are really just bullshitters and time wasters. I've had some that have spend thousands in just a few hours and some that were on a tight budget and wanted to waste time.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Big Girls don't have time for the games
I hate when a guy only wanna get involved with a SSBBW because he has a sexual fetish. Don't pretend you are interested if you only up to no good trying to use a woman. Be an adult and stop with the kiddy behavior. That's why we have web cam sites, BBW porn, online sites for men that have a fetish for fat women. There are also sex workers that cater to these fetishes. We know that some men see us as a sexual fetish and only want to have fun. Some women are open to it which is cool however, I can't stand a man that will lie and play games just to be with a larger woman for his own fetish pleasure. I would rather a man say up front that he doesn't date large women and that he's curious about face sitting or smothering. Adult men need to be honest and act like an adult without all the tricky mind games. I've met men that will claim they only date large women, thinking that will impress me, only to find out that they've never really had an interest in large woman, only an interest in using women as a fetish. Don't trick innocent women and claim you are looking for a long term relationship with marriage in the future when in reality, you are only into large women for your own fantasies. It's okay to have a fetish and fantasies and want to fulfil but be an adult about. Women cannot stand time wasters with a fucked up agenda. Keep it 100.
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I just finished a call with a long time caller. We always talk about his fantasies of being dominated by Large women. I always have a bla...
I had a guy ask me a while back about having sex with larger women. He asked me if a guy had to be "packing" to sleep with a SSBB...
I constantly get calls and messages from men that are obsessed with large women, but married average skinny women with average shapes. I get...