I constantly get calls and messages from men that are obsessed with large women, but married average skinny women with average shapes. I get so many men saying they feel trapped because they prefer large women. So many got sucked into the image of a certain type of woman. We can blame the media, society or our peers because we do allow people to influence who we date or marry. I recall a guy I met when I was younger and he was into me. Called me all the time, spoiled me and we always had a good time. Later, down the line he mentioned that his friends questioned him for being with a fat girl. He was heavily influenced by what was said by his friends. He mentioned it over and over until I felt like he was a nice guy, but too weak. He was too weak of a man because he felt embarrassed for liking a fat girl. He missed out, but that is just an example. Many women have shared stories with me about how a man was influenced by outsiders and didn't want to be seen with a BBW/SSBBW. So anyways, I have spoken to men over the years that feel like they married the wrong woman or they thought having a skinny woman was the same as having a trophy woman. I talk to guys that say their sex life is boring because they are with a woman that they are not physically attracted to. Some of the women they complain about have no boobs, or their ass is not big like most guys like. Sometimes it's funny, but sometimes I feel some kind of way because many people pick their spouse based on what they think society will accept.